Special Education Needs
SEN plays a major role in the life of a teacher as it helps students with specific learning difficulties. I learned from researching SEN in my own classroom that every child wants to 'fit in' and not be looked at any differently by the students sitting around them in the classroom. Creating lessons that have differentiation embedded within them, and delivered to the whole class allows students to participate in every aspect of the lesson without being singled out. Adapting the lesson to tailor the needs of SEN students is crucial. Being responsive as a teacher and providing solutions for the students in each lesson using 'content, process and product' when writing the lesson plan, plays a big role in catering for the students.
I have come to the realization that inclusion is just as important as differentiation. The fundamental principle of inclusive education is the valuing of diversity in the community and the contribution that every person has to make (NCSE, 2009). Within the school community, it is important to welcome diversity from different backgrounds, cultures and also on the basis of learning needs of the students. It is vital for teachers to prepare curriculum and lessons to adhered to those specific needs.
Below is a screencast showing how I adapted my own lesson plans to meet the learning needs of one particular student.