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Curriculum Planning 

This long term curriculum plan for the school year provides a broad overview of the different disciplines to be addressed and associated timescales from 1st year - 6th year groups. The plan below illustrates a map of how the students will experience a range of different projects and explore a variety of mediums.


Students will learn skills in 1st year and advance these skills in both 2nd and 3rd year for their CBA's. Below is the curriculum plan I intend to deliver to students to enable them to grow their creativity,  evolve communication skills, construction skills, problem solving abilities, ownership of work, collaborate on ideas and to provide evidence of experimentation and discovery.


For students transitioning into the senior cycle syllabus, the skills and techniques learned in 1st - 3rd year exploring the three strands (art,craft and design), the five elements (line, form, shape, texture, colour, tone) and the 45 learning outcomes, will enable them to tackle more advanced and challenging schemes in 5th and 6th year. Senior Cycle strands explored in the curriculum are research, create and respond with emphasis on reflection. 2021 welcomes the new senior cycle curriculum and I am prepared for welcoming those changes.


As part of writing up this plan, it was vital for me to consider time, the materials used and classroom management. It makes sense to complete clay with year groups at the same time or print etc. This also allows me to use students work as a visual reference. Sketchbooks and the use of primary sources are key components to delivering an effective curriculum plan.

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